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Agentic AI for Operational Decision Making

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Agentic AI for Operational Decision Making

Receive actionable insights from Surgere AI to take your company to the next level.

Out with the Old, In with the New

Generative AI is everywhere. If you are a software company, you must have some form of generative AI until now. At Surgere, we position ourselves ahead of the learning curve as innovators. With this, we find that generative AI needs to do more for insightful practices. Thus, we have created an agentic AI chatbot to push past the traditional generative AI limits.

Learn how agentic AI builds upon generative AI to take chatbot answers to further, more practical heights.

Generative Vs. Agentic AI

Generative AI

Generative AI, also known as “request/response” AI, has become the AI most people think of today. This form of AI is designed to generate responses or content after a prompt is provided through human interaction.

Agentic AI

Agentic AI describes a more advanced development in the AI realm. It is built on a generative AI foundation but takes it further by acting as an agent who can pursue goals under human supervision. Agentic does not limit itself to responding to requests. Instead, it will plan and execute work for a user with a common goal.

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Chatbots Are Boring, Sophia Is Not

Let’s face it, AI is erupting in almost every industry. You can’t visit a website anymore without being greeted by their AI ambassador. With all of these AI bots, it can be hard to differentiate quality in their AI processes. Surgere knows this, so we put ourselves ahead of the game with agentic AI.

Agentic AI is the idea that Sophia will do more than give you the typical answer to your question. Instead, Sophia will provide incomparable insights that give you and your company action steps to become more productively efficient.

Through the hard work of our engineers at Surgere, we no longer think of Sophia as a product we are selling; we think of Sophia as an employee that your company is hiring. By Sophia’s capabilities to provide suggestions, we save your company money by facilitating the journey to becoming productively efficient.


Sophia's Agentic AI Insights

Is Truck #44 Going to Make It to Raleigh On Time?
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AI Chatbot Answer
Unfortunately, no. Truck #44 was delayed due to an unexpected functionality issue.
Sophia's Actionable Insight
However, another truck operating at 70% capacity can pick up the high priority assets from truck #44 on its way to Greensboro, minimizing the delay time for those assets. Shall I schedule the pickup?
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How Many Shipments Have been at the Chicago Facility For More Than 60 Days?
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AI Chatbot Answer
Sure thing! There are 35 Shipments, all located in the East yard, that have been at the Chicago facility for more than 60 days.
Sophia's Actionable Insight
I've noticed that assets similar to these ones are typically transported to your Cleveland facility after 30 days in Chicago. Would you like me to schedule these assets to be shipped there?
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Is everything at the Mexico City facility working?
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AI Chatbot Answer
Everything is operating smoothly; however, there are two forklifts that are malfunctioning.
Sophia's Actionable Insight
According to your budget, there are sufficient funds allocated for such repairs. I have the contact for the repairment company; would you like me to put in an order request for the forklifts?
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