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Supply Chain IoT Solution of the Year

We’re honored to receive the Supply Chain IoT Solution of the Year Award from SupplyTech. Our commitment to advancing supply chain solutions through
IoT-driven innovation is reflected in this recognition. We’re incredibly proud of
our team and promise to continue spearheading the future of supply chains.

We’ve been recognized by StartUs Insights as one of the Top 6 Analytics Startups, an award that echoes our dedication to harnessing the power of
data analytics for supply chain and logistics management. We consider
this honor as an affirmation of our transformative impact in the industry.

Receiving the Excellence in Reusable Packaging Award from the Reusable Packaging Association serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainability. This prestigious acknowledgment embraces our innovative use of reusable packaging systems within our daily operations.

Top Supply Chain Projects 2024

Being awarded the Top Supply Chain Projects of 2024 by Supply and Demand Chain Executive solidifies our position as a high-impact supply chain solutions provider. This attests to our dedication and capability in transforming and optimizing supply chain processes through pioneering projects.

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