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Digital Twinning

Surgere > Digital Twinning

Digital Twinning

A virtual representation of your system to streamline production to better monitor your supply chain.

Virtual Representation, Real Results

Digital twinning involves digitizing your warehouse to better understand the layout and movement of assets domestically. By documenting your warehouse layout digitally, our engineers can provide a more accurate solution by precisely quoting how much hardware it will take to cover your workspace.

By allowing our system to better understand your workspace, our platform will be more accurate and unlock insights to help you navigate your assets from point A to point B more efficiently.

The Technology Behind the Scenes

To accurately represent your warehouse, Surgere utilizes LiDAR scanning. LiDAR, light detection, and radiation, is a form of scan that uses light reflection to measure the space where the machine is. By calculating this distance, the scan will create a map of your workspace so our team can better map all the places you need IoT technology to provide 99.9% data accuracy at the most cost-effective option. 

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