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Surgere > Governance


Meet the most demanding production requirements with the right leadership.

Center of Excellence: Getting the Right People in the Right Room

At Surgere, we believe that decisions can only be made after all the key people in an organization have been consulted. So, when implementing our solution to your organization, we hold governance to the highest priority so that your leadership team is always in the loop with our plans.

It is of high importance that first, we evaluate your organization to truly understand who all needs to be in contact with us from a leadership perspective, building your center of excellence (COE). Throughout our integration process, we ensure everyone is on the same page and agrees on our system and implementation.

Governance Brings Surgere's Center of Excellence


A charter for your COE provides purpose to the important board we’ve created to make decisions. This charter sets the strategy for the implementation of our system and, more importantly, provides a clear direction and clarity for the adoption of our platform. 

With the COE, a mandate establishes the policies for management and oversight of the project. Also, this mandate sets the standard for making decisions on issues affecting integration.


In a COE, the scope holds great importance in the order and goal-driven mindset of the company. Upon establishing a COE, they decide on a handful of pillars to follow and abide by to create a more organized workflow. After these scopes are set, the company follows them by filtering every project into one of their scopes.

These scopes act as goals and provide the company with more organized metrics to determine that they are moving in the right direction. If projects arise that do not align with a scope, a change request process should be conducted to ensure that the company-wide scope is not being disrupted. This form of organization allows for faster business growth and further clarity on long-term company goals.


With a leader, the COE we champion gains its organization, credibility, and more. Thus, to integrate our systems in an organized fashion, we select a chairperson and co-chairman to help facilitate the process of your company’s adoption of Surgere.

In these positions, the chairpersons work together to make sure the mandate is followed, allowing transparency throughout the entire installation process. Implementing a data system accurately is a challenging task, but this level of organization allows for a smooth workflow.


By adding committees to the COE, we ensure that every viewpoint will be satisfied upon adopting our Surgere platform. The purpose of committees is to carry out the mandates by acting on behalf of the sector COE between COE meetings. Then, at COE meetings, the committees share their personalized needs to reach a final, company-wide adoption program for our software.

Each committee will have a chair directly related to the COE and will advocate for the committee’s findings. Through this hierarchy of organization in the COE, a flusher application of our system is inevitable.

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