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Easy RFID Scanning for Warehouse Dock Doors and Choke Points

Quickly Process, Receive and Send Out Large Volumes of Assets and Containers with Ease

What are Portal and Dock Door Scanning Devices?

Portal and dock door scanning devices are usually made up of one scanning device for each side of the dock door or choke point that you want to track and understand movement of assets through. The devices are installed into concrete or other solid substrate that can support the necessary required installation hardware.

These devices are used to track inbound and outbound assets with RFID tags, and their primary advantage is bulk or mass scanning of those assets so any human intervention is minimal or non-existent. This makes tasks like loading and unloading a truck simple while greatly reducing any error in the tracking and processing of data.

How Will I Use Portal and Dock Door Scanners in My Supply Chain and Warehouse Management?

When you have lots of dock doors or critical activity choke points where you want to automate the RFID tracking process, these scanners are a perfect solution. They do require installation into the floor, so it is advised to consider the pros and cons of these kinds of readers with those of an overhead reader.

When installed and properly integrated to your supply chain operations, these dock door readers can allow for hands-off operation and seamlessly work with your inbound and outbound shipping activities.

How Does Surgere Install Portal and Dock Door Readers?

Each facility is unique, but these readers are often installed with bolts and fastening hardware into a concrete slab. To protect the readers, protective bollards are installed to reduce any potential for damage or accidents. These readers will connect to your facilities network and power supply. This can be done through PoE or separate network and power supplies.

Surgere's IoT Supply Chain Partners

Surgere partners with premium providers for all hardware and scanning technology. We will provide recommendations for each supply chain visibility need, including the pros and cons, scalability and expected longevity of each plan.

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