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Production Control

Monitor and track your production lines with easy out-of-process alerts.

Track In-Progress Manufacturing Steps and Finished Goods Inside and Outside of Your Facility with Our Production Control Solutions

As a supplier, OEM or general manufacturer, producing consistent and reliable production control solutions are critical to your reputation and ability to provide assurances to your buyers that they are getting high quality, verified goods, every time.

Moving beyond tracking the location of materials and finished goods to complete production and process control provides the ability to be certain of everything that went into your operational process and manufacturing, from start to finish.

With production control solutions from Surgere, you’ll gain visibility and insight to automated and manual process efficiency, quickly identifying opportunities for improvement or modification of your existing manufacturing steps. You’ll be able to track step-by-step quality assurance checks and that the proper skilled labor was used along the way. If any exceptions occur, you can address and correct them in real-time, maximizing every shift through the day and validating the end product for verification and certainty.

Surgere’s team works with your organization to determine solutions based on critical production choke points and manufacturing steps. Understanding how you receive and process materials to then process and produce new products allows us to specify and install the proper IoT solutions that will provide you with real-time information within Interius, our SaaS tool.

Production control solutions often involve multiple IoT technologies working together, including RFID, UWB and BLE.

Ready to find the optimization opportunities in your production workflow? Contact us today.

Inventory Management

If you can’t find your inventory on the floor or in the racks or in the yard, you can’t produce your products. Additionally, as more inventory comes in and out of your facility, a proper audit trail and shipping information allows you to quickly forecast and predict your needs for production run rates. Surgere ties together OEM and supplier manufacturing process and inventory to enable real-time visibility and production control solutions in your facility and inbound to you or outbound from you. 

Tool Tracking

The right tools at the right place, at the right time means that work gets done as expected. Whether you have restricted access to hand tools and power tools, or your workforce is only authorized to use tools at certain times and must return them to a secure area each day, Surgere has visibility solutions that ensure your processes and production control solution steps are understood and confirmed. Geofenced production areas and machine or tool access zones can be configured and monitored in real time so you ensure proper usage and access, every day.

Warehouse Management

Complete warehouse management is a significant task. Above and beyond supply chain asset tracking, production control and localization activities are shipping activities, employee management and safety controls – just to name a few. With Interius, Surgere fills a significant gap in warehouse optimization and can enrich your WMS with verifiable, auditable information about your assets, traceability, and supply chain. This level of data transparency and quality allow you to make real-time decisions with accuracy, while monitoring how changes in your warehouse operations maximize efficiency and save time and labor costs.

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