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Upstream vs. Downstream Supply Chain: Key Differences

A supply chain strategy, at its core, involves the smooth transition of a product from raw material acquisition (upstream) to the delivery of the final product to the end consumer (downstream). However, these two supply chain segments are not just…

Transportation Visibility: What It Is and How It Works

Do you understand how transportation visibility works for your supply chain activities? There's no doubt that it has become an increasingly important factor in operating a successful business. Many organizations have turned to automated systems to offer better insight into…

Top 5 Supply Chain Technology Trends of 2023

Global supply chains are undergoing rapid digital transformation. As the world becomes increasingly connected through technology, supply chain operations must also evolve to keep up. Supply chain strategies and business models that may have worked well a few years ago…

The Role of Real Time Transportation in Supply Chain

The main elements in supply chain management are planning, sourcing, producing, distribution, and reverse logistics. Of these processes, transportation has a significant impact on the productivity and efficiency of your supply chain operations. It gets your products and services into…

What Is the Role of Warehouse Automation in Management?

Warehouse automation offers multiple benefits from a more productive workforce to potentially faster service delivery. The right warehouse management solutions can transform your warehouse into a well-oiled machine, allowing you to improve the quality of your customer service without adding…

Supply Chain vs Value Chain: Key Differences

Understanding key industry terms is essential in an age where effective business management relies heavily on making informed, strategic decisions. Two such terms are supply chain and value chain, which are closely related yet distinct. While both involve a network…

5 Ways Supply Chain KPIs Drive Business Performance

Is your supply chain strategy costing your business productivity and profit? The movement of goods is essential for any business, but inefficiencies can lead to high costs, lost sales opportunities, and decreased customer satisfaction. You can learn how supply chain…

7 Benefits of Supply Chain Visibility

For operations and supply chain managers, visibility into the entire supply chain can be essential in achieving optimal results. Visibility brings a world of benefits that extend far beyond mere tracking and traceability — from logistics optimization to better decision-making…

Why Is Forecasting Important in Supply Chain Management?

Forecasting is a vital part of effective supply chain management (SCM). Understanding what customers need before they order ensures you always have the right inventory levels. Forecasting also plays a crucial role in financial planning, scheduling operations efficiently across multiple…

Improving Lead Times in Supply Chain: 5 Tips

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, supply chain pressures are easing. These pressures have been a key factor in driving inflation and also impacting companies’ ability to sell through to customers. Still, global uncertainty, challenges with capacity,…

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