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Tag: IoT Supply Chain

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How To Apply SCOR Model in Supply Chain Operations

Manufacturers need practical methods to manage every aspect of their operations, including their supply chain process. The SCOR model supply chain managers are using around the world provides just such an opportunity to optimize the reliability, consistency, and efficiency of…

IoT in Supply Chain: Important Applications and Benefits

The internet of things (IoT) represents a wide range of new technologies and implementations that take connectivity to the next level. What most people think of as the internet is made up of computers, mobile devices, servers, and the connections…

The Value of API in Supply Chain Management

Industries of all kinds are making use of new technologies at a rapid pace. They need the right back-end features to support their functions, and API supply chain solutions are a prime example. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are an approach…

Warehouse Optimization: 5 Best Practices To Improve Your Workflow

Operating a warehouse is expensive. Inaccurate or misplaced inventory can tie up capital and cause problems fulfilling customer orders. A poor layout or lack of automated tools and processes can increase frustration and add to your labor costs. The list…

Understanding the Role of RFID in Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is a complex undertaking that requires exceptional accuracy, efficiency, and consistency. Bar codes and other solutions still play an important part, but today RFID technology provides the gold standard in operational efficiency. This versatile technology provides many…

Supply Chain Visibility: What It Is and Why It’s So Important

We’ve all experienced disruptions to supply chains over the past few years and, despite some improvement, it looks like we will be dealing with supply chain challenges for the foreseeable future. Economic uncertainty, geopolitical risk, cybersecurity, and concerns about resiliency…

How To Streamline Your Warehouse Management System

Building a streamlined supply chain for your business involves making intentional decisions to improve your supply chain’s functionality. At the warehouse level, it'll involve reducing redundancies, eliminating bottlenecks, and investing in the right tools. In turn, your customer gets to…

5 Crucial Supply Chain KPIs to Track and Measure

Supply chain management is a complex process that can be difficult to track and measure. However, tracking it is essential to ensuring your company runs as efficiently as possible. Without tracking and measuring your supply chain key performance indicators (KPIs),…

Asset Localization: The Leading Industry Solution for Your Warehouse

The Issue at Hand Warehouse industry leaders have encountered a variety of issues within their facilities that are inefficient and cost-inducive. Some of these problems include: Misplaced internal containers Inability to efficiently count inventory in real-time The manual process of…

Technology: The Key to Financial Success and Stability

The Current Financial State: Are We Heading Into Another Recession? Many people wonder if the world is heading into another recession: · Inflation is at an all-time high · Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had tremendous effects on food and…

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